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On Specialty Brands-owned and operated sites Specialty Brands displays interest-based advertising using information you make available to us when you interact with our sites, content, or services. Interest-based ads, also sometimes referred to as personalized or targeted ads, are displayed to you based on information from activities such as purchasing on our sites, visiting sites that contain Specialty Brands content or ads, interacting with Specialty Brands tools, or using our other services.The information we collect enables us to learn about what ads you see, what ads you click, and other actions you take on our sites and other sites. This allows us to provide you with more useful and relevant ads. For example, if we know what ads you are shown we can be careful not to show you the same ones repeatedly.Below are details of the technologies we use and the data capture we are able to do, along with ways, that you, as customers, can control these.

Ben Meadows

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